[Energy Economics]

“The Energy Demand in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan: Some Further Results”, Energy Economics, (Forthcoming).

 "The Energy Demand in the Industrial  Sector  of  Pakistan".  Pakistan  Development  Review,   Vol.30  No.1, 1991, 83-88,  with S.Chishti.

"The Demand  for  Energy  in the  Large-Scale  Manufacturing  Sector of Pakistan", Energy  Economics, Vol.12 No.4,  October  1990, 251-254, with S.Chishti.

"On Estimating Dynamic Factor  Demands", Journal of  Applied  Econometrics, 2,1987,63-75,  with A.L.Robb,  W.M. Scarth.

[Macroeconomics, Money & Banking ]

“Cost Structure of Turkish Banking Industry: AGL Cost Function Approach”, METU Studies in Development ,Vol. 25, 3, 1998, with Osman Zaim.

“Money in the Production Function: Some Further Results”,  Pakistan Economic and Social Review,  Vol. XXXV, No.1,(1997) .

Is Money An Omitted Variable in  the  Production  Function?  Some Further Results",  Empirical Economics, 18,  1993,  with   M.A.Hasan.

 "Macro Modeling and Pakistan's Macro economy: A Vector  Auto  regression Approach",  Journal of Development Economics,  38,  1992, 353-370, with S.Chishti,M.A.Hasan.

     "Does Money Still Matter in a Dynamic Context? Some Canadian Evidence", Indian Economic  Review,  Vol.XXVII,  No.1,  1992,  91-98, with M.A.Hasan.

   "Money in the Canadian Manufacturing Industries: A  Translog  Cost Function Approach",  Economic Notes, Vol.21, 1992,  with  M.A.Hasan.

"Macroeconomic  Policies  and   the   Pakistan's   Economy",  Pakistan Development Review,   28:4  Part  II,  Winter  1989,  717-730, with S.Chishti and M.Hasan.

 "Substitutability  of,  Pakistan's  Monetary  Assets   Under  Alternative  Monetary  Aggregates",  Pakistan   Development  Review, Vol.XXVII, No.3, 1988, 317-326, with A.Hasan, S.Kadir.

[Agricultural Economics]

"The Sources of Productivity Growth in the Agriculture Sector of Pakistan", Journal of Quantitative Economics, (Forthcoming), with Osman Zaim.

“Regional Technical Efficiency Differentials in the Turkish Agriculture”, Indian Economic Review, Vol. XXXIII No.2, 1998 with  Nazmi Demir.

“Turk Tariminda Teknik Etkinlik (Toplan Faktor Verimliligi) Stokastik Uretim Sinir Fonksiyonlari Uygulamasi, Verimlilik Dergisi, No.3. 1998, with Nazimi Demir.

  "Basmati  Rice Exports: A Case Study of Pakistan", Pakistan  Journal of Applied Economics,  1988, with M.Nishat.

   "Domestic Resource Cost  for  Basmati  Rice,  in  Pakistan",  Pakistan Journal of Applied  Economics,  3,  1987,  139-156,  with R.Azhar.