Saglik Merkezine Hosgeldiniz!




 Uzm.Dr.Kamuran Kuş


Radiation is the emission or transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. As it is known, the main structure of matter is made up of atoms. On the other hand, atom consists of a nucleus comprised of protons and neutrons, and electrons moving around it. If the number of neutrons in the atom nucleus of a substance is more than the protons, these  substances show  unsteady structure and the neutrons change in protons by emitting β- rays (negatrons). If the protons are more than neutrons a proton changes into a neutron emitting β+ rays (positrons). Neutrons and protons in the exited states of the nucleus deexcite to the ground state by emitting γ- rays. Heavy Nucleic may emitt α- rays (Helium nuclei) or may undergo fission reaction. The substances which undergoes these changes spontaneously are called ‘radioactive substances’ , and the rays emitted to the environment such as alpha, beta and gamma are called ‘radiation’.



X rays, ultraviolet rays, visible rays, infra-red rays, micro waves, radio waves and γ-rays are the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The regions of the spectrum are defined with their frequencies and wave lengths. Since x rays and γ- rays and have very high frequencies, such radiation have the energy to break the chemical bonds or ionize subtances. Such radiation is called ionizing radiation.


Ionizing is capable of fragmenting the DNA, the genetic material of cell. Damaging of DNA kills the cells. As a result, the tissue is damaged. A little damage in the DNA gives rise to permanent changes which may cause cancer.

Radioactive contaminants negatively effect the life of human beings, animals and plants and disrupt the environment and ecological balance. In addition, radiation caused genetic changes in lively beings. The effect of radiation varies depending on the type of radiation, age and organ. Eyes are most affacted by type of radiation causing sight weakness, cataract and slowing of eye concord. On the other hand, skin is more resistant against radiation. The damages of radiation become noticable generally late, and the effect only becomes observable with deaths caused by atom bombs and burns in high radiation exposure dramatically.

X rays are high energy radiation which causes the materials they contact to lose electrons, in other words to become ionized. These rays are used for taking x rays used for diagnosis purposes. The cells which are most sensitive to the ionized radiation including x-rays are the fast divided cells and therefore developing fetus and the tissues of it are the structures expected to receive the most damage from these rays. The important point here is that only the tissue contacting with the ray is affected and these rays can travel through the body. For instance, the rays received from a hand x ray taken can not progress within the body and reach the uterine.


As in all diagnosis and treatment methods, there are potential benefits and damages in x rays. This is valid for both pregnant and non-pregnant women.

Since ionized radiation have more destructive effect in fast diving and reproducing cells, the developing fetus may be negatively affected. Nevertheless, it should be noted that these effect depent on the dose and duration.

The effects according to the pregnancy week during which a person is subjected to radiation are as follows:

  1. Malformation and prenatal death: The most sensitive period is 8 days after the impregnation. The radiation received in this period causes miscarriage in 50-75% of the pregnancies, while most these miscarriages are not noticed generally, since they precede the expected menstrual bleeding. On the other hand, the rate of miscarriages in clinically noticed pregnancies is about 15-20%.

  2. Developmental lag: Another most sensitive period is the 8th-56th  days after the impregnation. In researches made over the people who survived the atom bomb in Japan, it has been detected that the women who were exposed to about 25 radiation in their pregnancies during this period, gave birth to shorter, lighter babies with smaller head radius.

  3. Neurologic effects: the most sensitive period is 2nd-15th weeks after the impregnation. Again, according to the observations made over those who survived the atom bomb, it has been detected that the mostly encountered abnormally was the small head which is called microsephaly. Microsephaly generally accompanies mental retardation, but mental retardation was found only 25 % of the phenomena of microsephaly emerging due to radiatin.

  4. Severe mental retardation: Another most sensitive period is the 8th – 15th weeks. It has been detected that severe mental retardation of 0.4% as per each radiation exposed occurred in babies delivered by women who were exposed to radiation in the 8th, 15 th weeks of pregnancy. A decrease of 25 ponts in IQ level is observed as a per each 100 radiation in babies who were exposed to radiation during 8th – 25th weeks of pregnancy. In these babies, also epilepsy disease is more frequently seen in later periods of their life.

  5. Cancer: The most feared effect of radiation is cancers which emerge in the long term.


Exposure of the Pragnant Patient to Diagnostic Radiation A Guide to Medical Management 2nd edit. by Louis K Wagner, Richard G. Lester and Luis R. Saldana, 1997, Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, Wisconsin.



The concerns over the nuclear plants in Japan damaged after the earthquake are growing. The radiation arising from the nuclear plants poses hazard to the human health in the short or long term.


The effect of radiation on human health are birefly as follows:

It has been reported that the level of radiation around Tokyo is less than 1000 milisievert. That this rate is 10.000 times bigger than normal radiation fund.

A person is exposed to micro 10 milisievert radiation during a dental x-ray taking.

People may  receive radiation from the environment. Flights, routine chin and dental x-rays, MR and tomography are also ways of receiving radiation.

A flight over  40 thousand feet causes 3 to 9  milisievert radiation in one hour depending on the course of flight.

Generally, a human receives annually 1 to 10 milisievert from the air and land.

During computer aided tomography of the whole body one receives a dose of  20-30 milisievert radiation, and tomography of a single organ the dose received is 10 milisievert. The sievert unit is used for measuring radiation and it indicates the amount absorbed by human tissues. One sievert equals to one thousand milisievert.

According to U.S.A. Environment Protection Agency, the different radiation levels by milisievert unit and the effects of this over the human health are as follows:

The chemistry of blood changes in those exposed to 50-100 milisievert radiation.

500 milisievert causes nausea in hours.

700 milisievert: vomiting

750 milisievert: Hair loss for 2-3 weeks.

900    milisievert: Diarrhea

1 000 milisievert: bleeding

4 000 milisievert: Possible death within 2 months if no treatment is made 

10 000 milisievert: destruction in intestines, internal bleeding, death within 1-2 weeks.

20 000 milisievert: destruction in central nerve system and loss of consciousness within  hours or days


Taiwan Atom Energy Agency; World Nuclear Union; US.A. Environment Protection Agency.






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