Emre Berk



Emre Berk is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Business Administration at Bilkent University. He received his Ph.D. from University of Washington in operations management with his work on admission and discharge policies in progressive health care facilities.

His research interests and expertise include supply chain management, revenue management, perishable/multiechelon inventory theory, quality control, operations management applications in health care and manufacturing strategy.
His funded research projects include "Development of time-based ordering policies for perishable inventories" (TUBITAK, jointly with Prof. Gurler), "Development of replenishment policies under Bayesian updating in the presence of censored and truncated demands" (NSF, jointly with Prof. Gurler and Prof. Levine ) and, recently, "Design and control of supply networks with multiple perishable products" ( TUBITAK , jointly with Prof. Gurler) .
The courses he has taught include MAN 256, MAN 341, MAN 342, IE 372, MAN 443, MAN 542, MAN 543, MAN 644, MAN 653, MAN 683. Besides Bilkent University, Dr. Berk has taught an MBA course, BA 5602, at ODTU (METU). Currently, he is teaching MAN 342 and MAN 542.