
Hello Psychophysicist

This example shows how to prepare and build java projects, and how to use the basic functions of the psychWithJava package.


This program opens a Full Screen Exclusive Mode Window and displays one line of text and two images on an otherwise entirely blank (black) screen.

Precompiled program

Precompiled program is in HelloPsychophysicist.jar, which is a self running file. You can run it directly from your browser. Alternatively, you can save the file on your local disk and run it with a mouse click or you can run it from a terminal (MS DOS prompt in MS Windows) with the command java -jar HelloPsychophysicist.jar. Note that running the jar file doesn't require installing the psychWithJava package. (see the packaging link below for more information on handling jar files).

Files needed to build the project

Building and running the project

Description of the project

Packaging and sharing your projects

Instructions on how to prepare (with command line tools and Eclipse) and run jar files. These are single executable files that can be shared with colleagues.