Movie S1

Movie S2

Movie S1 An example specular stimulus used in the behavioral experiment. Image features undergo marked distortions during object motion.

Movie S2 The same shape and motion as in, however now with a diffusely reflecting material. For any given frame in the motion sequence, the distorted patterns on the surface are consistent with specular reflections of the surrounding environment, and the object appears shiny. When viewed as a sequence, the patterns move with the surface, as if they were painted on instead of being reflections. The result is the distinct impression that the surface is not shiny and homogeneous, but rather matte and patterned. Image features show little or mo distortions during object motion.

Matlab code for material classification can be found here
You will need these toolboxes, and this data file
As well as this "Readme file.

If you need sample training and test movies please email katja[at]bilkent[dot]edu[dot]tr.