Ankara, June 08–12, 2009


First announcement

Second Announcement
CMFT2009 Young Researcher Award
Abstract Instructions
Program Schedule


Travel Information
Social Program
Contact information



Bilkent University

TUBITAK: The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey


IMU: International Mathematical Union


NSF: National Science Foundation


Pearson Education
Birkhäuser Verlag

Abstract Instructions

The abstracts of lectures and posters should be submitted by April 15, 2009. 
Please use the LaTeX2e format below, and avoid any special macros. 
The length of the abstract should not exceed  one half A4 page. 
Please keep mathematical formulas to a minimum, and do not use  references 
unless absolutely necessary. Please make the abstract accessible to a wide 
audience by avoiding excessive use of technical details.
Please send your TeX file by e-mail to
and attach also a PDF file. 
\parskip4pt plus2pt minus2pt
\renewcommand{\title}[1]{\begin{center}\textbf{\large #1}\end{center}}
\newcommand{\joint}[1]{\medskip\noindent{Joint work with #1}}


\title{Sample Presentation} % Title of presentation

\speaker{Sample A. Speaker} % Speaker's name
{Sample University} % Speaker's university

\begin{abstract} % Text of abstract

Sample abstract, more sample abstract, further sample abstract, another
sample abstract, also sample abstract, still sample abstract.


\joint{Other A. Author and More A. Writer} % If there are authors for the
% presentation other than the speaker; remove this line if the speaker is the
% only author.

You can download the template also here: abstract.tex

Last modified on March 12, 2009