Ankara, June 08–12, 2009


First announcement

Second Announcement

CMFT2009 Young Researcher Award
Abstract Instructions
Program Schedule

Travel Information

Social Program
Contact information


Bilkent University

TUBITAK: The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey


IMU: International Mathematical Union


NSF: National Science Foundation


Pearson Education
Birkhäuser Verlag

First announcement

The Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, will be hosting the sixth international conference    on Computational Methods and Function Theory (CMFT 2009) to be held June 08–12, 2009.

The general theme of the meeting concerns various aspects of interaction of complex variables and scientific computation, including related topics from function theory, approximation theory and numerical analysis. Another important aspect of the CMFT meetings, previously held in Valparaiso 1989, Penang 1994, Nicosia 1997, Aveiro 2001 and Joensuu 2005, is to promote the creation and maintenance of contacts with scientists from diverse cultures.

The international organizing committee of CMFT 2009 consists of
M. Kocatepe (Bilkent University, Turkey),
St. Ruscheweyh (Würzburg University, Germany),
E.B. Saff (Vanderbilt University, USA),
I. Laine (University of Joensuu, Finland) .

The local organizing committee of CMFT 2009 consists of
Seçil Gergün (Çankaya University),
Alexander Goncharov (Bilkent University)
Mefharet Kocatepe  (Bilkent University)
Natalya Zheltukhina (Bilkent University)

The conference program consists of invited one-hour lectures, of invited and contributed 25 minute talks and of poster sessions. The speakers are recommended to submit their papers for consideration in the journal "Computational Methods and Function Theory", see for more details.

Limited funds are expected to be available for partial support of travel/local expenses of participants from developing countries. Those in need of such support are requested to indicate this in the registration form.

For additional information, please contact " ".

Last modified March 12, 2009