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Assignments / Techniques

Project 7: Using Black and White Filters

Project Requirements:

35mm Camera with a standard lens and a tripod. One roll (36 exp.) of a Medium
speed (FP-4 Ilford) B&W Negative film. Make 6 good 18x24cm or 20x30cm B&W prints on a multi-grade paper and do not forget to make sheet of contacts.

Choose an interesting subject and take the following pictures using daylight. If necessary do not forget the filter factor.

1. Using the Polarizing filter: Find a reflecting
surface and take 2 photos with and without the
filter. You have to see the effect of the filter.

2. Using the Effect filters: Find an interesting
subject to use effect such as speed, ND or what
ever you want. To see the difference,
photograph your subject with and without filter.

3. Take a photo with the filter you choose depending on the colour of your subject. Using the
filter, emphasise your subject. To see the difference photograph your subject with and
without filter.

HINT: In these photo projects you have to concentrate your attention on a creative goal. Think
about the composition of each of your pictures.

You learned three Guidelines to follow in every photograph you shoot

- First, decide on a subject, a theme.

- Second, focus attention on the subject.

- Third, simplify the image by eliminating the distractions.

Students' Works on this subject

List of all the assignments

| Assignment # 1 | Assignment # 2 | Assignment # 3 | Assignment # 4 | Assignment # 5 | Assignment # 6 |
| Assignment # 7 | Assignment # 8 | Assignment # 9 | Assignment # 10| Assignment # 11|

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